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Ampilox DS 500 mg/500 mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
biochem pharmaceutical industries
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Ampilox DS Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
biochem pharmaceutical industries
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Ampilox Dry Syrup
bottle of 60 ml dry syrup
zydus healthcare limited
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Ampilox Kid 125 mg/125 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
zydus healthcare limited
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Ampilox LB Syrup
bottle of 30 ml syrup
zydus healthcare limited
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Ampilox Neo Drop
bottle of 10 ml drop
zydus healthcare limited
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Ampilox Neonatal 50 mg/25 mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
biochem pharmaceutical industries
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Ampilox-LB Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
zydus healthcare limited
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Ampilox-LB Capsule
strip of 15 capsules
zydus healthcare limited
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Ampiloxc 125mg/125mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
biochem pharmaceutical industries
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Ampimax 250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
pidek pharmaceuticals
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Ampimet 250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
symet drugs ltd
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Ampimet 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
symet drugs ltd
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Ampimol 650 Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampimol-M DS Oral Suspension
bottle of 60 ml oral suspension
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampin 5mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
jocund india ltd
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Ampin Plus 250mg/250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
the pharmed research lab pvt ltd
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Ampin-AT 5mg/50mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
swabhumi drug & pharmaceuticals india ltd
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Ampine 2.5mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sunij pharma pvt ltd
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Ampine 5mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sunij pharma pvt ltd
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Ampine AT 5mg/50mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sunij pharma pvt ltd
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Ampine Mpl Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sunij pharma pvt ltd
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Ampine RL 5 mg/2.5 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sunij pharma pvt ltd
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Ampine TMT Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sunij pharma pvt ltd
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Ampinex 500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
novo medi sciences pvt ltd
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Ampinik 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
nippon healthcare llp
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Ampinol-AT Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
medifaith biotech
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Ampiod 100 DT Tablet
strip of 10 tablet dt
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiod 200 Tablet DT
strip of 10 tablet dt
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiod Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml oral suspension
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiod Duo Oral Suspension
bottle of 30 ml oral suspension
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiod-C 325 Tablet
strip of 6 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiod-CV Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml oral suspension
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiof 200 Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiof OZ Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiox 375 Tablet
strip of 6 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiox 625 LB Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiox Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml oral suspension
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampiox Duo Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml oral suspension
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampipen 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
pfizer ltd
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Ampirok 1000 mg/500 mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
astrum healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampirok 375mg Tablet
strip of 6 tablets
astrum healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampirok 500 mg/250 mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
astrum healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampirok 500 mg/250 mg Tablet
strip of 6 tablets
astrum healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampirok Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
astrum healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampirok Tablet DT
strip of 6 tablet dt
astrum healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampisac SB 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
vetnosac research india pvt ltd
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Ampise 250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
carise pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
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Ampise 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
carise pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
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Ampise C 250mg/250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
carise pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
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Ampisilt 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
medmom pharmaceuticals llp
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Ampisure Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
altavista life sciences pvt ltd
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Ampitag 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
ikon remedies pvt ltd
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Ampither 150mg Injection
vial of 2 ml injection
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampitrust 1.5gm Injection
vial of 1 injection
fusion healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampitrust 375 Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
fusion healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampitrust 750 Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
fusion healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampitrust Injection
vial of 1 injection
fusion healthcare pvt ltd
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Ampitum 1000 mg/500 mg Injection
vial of 5 ml injection
fdc ltd
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Ampiven SB 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
biovenice criticure
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Ampiwal 250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
wallace pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
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Ampiwal 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
wallace pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
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Ampiwok 250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
wockhardt ltd
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Ampiwok 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
wockhardt ltd
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Ampiwok 500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
wockhardt ltd
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Ampiz 125mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
zorex pharma pvt ltd.
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Ampiz 250mg Tablet DT
strip of 10 tablet dt
zorex pharma pvt ltd.
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Ampizor 250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
medcure pharma
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Ampizor 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
medcure pharma
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Ample 200mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
kaps3 life sciences
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Ample 500mg/125mg Tablet
strip of 6 tablets
rolsmed pharma
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Ample Syrup
bottle of 30 ml syrup
rolsmed pharma
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Amplifyer 250 mg/125 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
unireach healthcare pvt ltd
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Amplifyer 500 mg/125 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
unireach healthcare pvt ltd
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Amplifyer Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml dry syrup
unireach healthcare pvt ltd
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Amplinak Ophthalmic Suspension
bottle of 5 ml ophthalmic suspension
allergan india pvt ltd
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Amplus 125mg/125mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
jagsonpal pharmaceuticals ltd
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Amplus Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
jagsonpal pharmaceuticals ltd
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Amplus Kid Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
jagsonpal pharmaceuticals ltd
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Amplus LB 250mg/250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
jagsonpal pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampod 100mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
matins pharma
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Ampod 100mg Tablet DT
strip of 10 tablet dt
amplec healthcare pvt. ltd.
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Ampod 200mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
amplec healthcare pvt. ltd.
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Ampod 50mg Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml dry syrup
amplec healthcare pvt. ltd.
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Ampod CV 200mg/125mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
matins pharma
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Ampod CV 200mg/125mg Tablet
strip of 6 tablets
amplec healthcare pvt. ltd.
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Ampola 500mg/125mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
classic healthcare labs
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Amport 6 Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ampira biotechnics pvt ltd
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Ampoxid 250 mg/250 mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin 125mg/125mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
unichem laboratories ltd
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Ampoxin 1gm Injection
vial of 10 ml injection
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin 250 Capsule
strip of 15 capsules
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin 250mg Injection
vial of 5 ml injection
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin 250mg/250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin 500 Capsule
strip of 15 capsules
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin 500mg Injection
vial of 10 ml injection
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin Dry syrup
bottle of 30 ml powder for oral suspension
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin Kid 125mg/125mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin LB 250mg/250mg/60Million cells Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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Ampoxin LB Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
torrent pharmaceuticals ltd
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