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Recpar 100mg/325mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
shiron pharmaceuticals
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Recpar MR 100mg/500mg/250mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
shiron pharmaceuticals
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Recpar Plus 100mg/500mg/10mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
shiron pharmaceuticals
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Recpar Syrup
bottle of 60 ml syrup
shiron pharmaceuticals
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Recpar TH 100mg/4mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
shiron pharmaceuticals
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Recpod 100mg Dry Syrup
bottle of 30 ml dry syrup
recnal biomed
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Recpod 200mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
recnal biomed
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Recpod CV 200mg/125mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
recnal biomed
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Recreate 1500mcg Injection
vial of 1 injection
uniphar biotech private limited
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Recreate G 300mg/500mcg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
uniphar biotech private limited
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Recreate NP 75mg/10mg/1500mcg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
uniphar biotech private limited
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Recreate P 750mcg/75mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
uniphar biotech private limited
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Recruise-D Capsule SR
strip of 10 capsule sr
bio human resources
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Recruise-D3 Soft Gelatin Capsule
strip of 4 soft gelatin capsules
bio human resources
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Recsun SP 100mg/325mg/15mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
make sun lifescience
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Rectaglim M 1mg/500mg Tablet
strip of 15 tablets
jixon pharmaceuticals pvt. ltd.
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Rectaglim M 2mg/500mg Tablet
strip of 15 tablets
jixon pharmaceuticals pvt. ltd.
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Recteen 2.5% Gel
tube of 20 gm gel
geolife sciences
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Recteen 5% Gel
tube of 20 gm gel
geolife sciences
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Rectocef 1000mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectocef SB 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectocef SB 2000mg/1000mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectocef SB 500mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectocef XP 1000mg/125mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectoclox LB 250mg/250mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
ridhima biocare
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Rectodec 100mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectodec 25mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectodec 50mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
ridhima biocare
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Rectodine 2% Mouth Wash
bottle of 100 ml mouth wash
ridhima biocare
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Rectof 200mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
trigat lifesciences pvt ltd
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Rectof OZ 200mg/500mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
trigat lifesciences pvt ltd
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Rectol 125mg Suppository
packet of 5 suppositories
bliss gvs pharma limited
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Rectol 170 Suppository
packet of 5 suppositories
bliss gvs pharma limited
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Rectol 250 Suppository
strip of 5 suppositories
bliss gvs pharma limited
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Rectomox 125mg Tablet DT
strip of 10 tablet dt
ridhima biocare
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Rectomox 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
ridhima biocare
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Rectomox LB 500mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
ridhima biocare
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Rectomox LB Capsule 500mg/60Millionspores
strip of 10 capsules
ridhima biocare
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Rectonac 100mg Tablet
strip of 5 tablets
indus life sciences pvt. ltd.
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Rector 100mg/2mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
sienna formulations pvt ltd
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Rectrol 100mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
olcare laboratories
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Recuff D 5mg/2mg/10mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
mediyork pharma pvt ltd
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Recuff D Syrup
bottle of 60 ml syrup
mediyork pharma pvt ltd
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Recupred Eye Drop
bottle of 10 ml ophthalmic suspension
vyonics health care pvt ltd
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Recyp-T Syrup
bottle of 200 ml syrup
reqwell pharma
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Reczole IT 200mg Capsule
strip of 4 capsules
recnal biomed
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Reczone S 1000mg/500mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
recnal biomed
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Red 100mg Injection
vial of 5 ml injection
apical biologicals
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Red ME + Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
rowez life sciences pvt. ltd.
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Red Rid Eye Drop
packet of 10 ml eye drop
yash pharma laboratories pvt ltd
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Red Rid Plus Eye Drop
packet of 10 ml eye drop
yash pharma laboratories pvt ltd
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Red X Injection
vial of 1 injection
quick heal life sciences
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Red-Clot Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
positif life sciences
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Red-Mia Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
siskan pharma
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Red-Tar Solution
bottle of 60 ml solution
nanz med science pharma ltd
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RedCorp 100mg Injection
vial of 5 ml injection
metamorf lifesciences
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Redac 25mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
ritz pharma
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Redactis 50mg Injection
vial of 1 injection
converge biotech
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Redase D 50 mg/10 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
relax pharma
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Redase D 50mg/10mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
amity health care pvt ltd
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Redase DP 50 mg/10 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
relax pharma
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Redate-XT Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
maverick pharma pvt ltd
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Redax Syrup
bottle of 100 ml syrup
rp healthcare pvt. ltd.
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Redbury 20mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
hanburys health care pvt ltd
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Redcid OS Syrup
bottle of 100 ml syrup
blair remedies pvt ltd
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Redcid Oral Suspension
bottle of 170 ml oral suspension
redvia pharmaceutical
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Redcid Syrup
bottle of 170 ml syrup
blair remedies pvt ltd
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Redclox 250mg/250mg Capsule
strip of 6 capsules
zydus cadila
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Redclox DL Capsule
strip of 9 capsules
zydus cadila
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Redclox LB Capsule
strip of 6 capsules
zydus cadila
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Redder Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ponoogun healthcare pvt ltd
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Redder-DS Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ponoogun healthcare pvt ltd
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Redec 50 Injection
box of 1 injection
apcon remedies
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Redec 50mg Injection
vial of 1 ml injection
winmac laboratories ltd
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Redeem Plus 5mg/5mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ikon pharmachem pvt ltd
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Redef 6 Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ryzhil lifesciences pvt ltd
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Redefcort 6mg Oral Suspension
bottle of 30 ml oral suspension
reltic labs
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Redemide 100mg Capsule
strip of 10 capsules
intas pharmaceuticals ltd
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Reden O Injection
vial of 2 ml injection
medoz pharmaceutical pvt. ltd
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Reden Plus 10 mg/150 mg Injection
vial of 2 ml injection
medoz pharmaceutical pvt. ltd
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Reden Plus 10 mg/150 mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
medoz pharmaceutical pvt. ltd
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Redest 1mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
glenmark pharmaceuticals ltd
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Redexa 4mg Injection
vial of 2 ml injection
cinerea biotech pvt ltd
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Redfast 100mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
marc laboratories pvt ltd
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Redfed 100mg Injection
vial of 5 ml injection
santiago lifesciences pvt ltd
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Redfen Forte Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
redson laboratories pvt ltd
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Redfen Plus Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
redson laboratories pvt ltd
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Redflam 400mg/325mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
marc laboratories pvt ltd
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Redflam Gel
tube of 30 gm gel
marc laboratories pvt ltd
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Redflex 100mg/325mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
penlon india pharmaceuticals
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Redflex P Syrup Delicious Strawberry
bottle of 60 ml syrup
penlon india pharmaceuticals
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Redflox OZ 200mg/500mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
elured labs pvt ltd
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Redfoz-IV Injection
ampoule of 5 ml injection
vibdrugs biosciences
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Redgrel 150mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
aprica pharmaceuticals pvt ltd
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Redic 75mg Injection
ampoule of 1 injection
ria lifesciences pvt ltd
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Redic-MR Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ria lifesciences pvt ltd
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Redic-MR Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
revive pharma
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Redic-P Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
ria lifesciences pvt ltd
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Redic-Plus Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
revive pharma
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Redicate 100mg Tablet
strip of 10 tablets
dr reddy's laboratories ltd
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